English version below!
Oggi parlerò, o meglio scriverò di un gioco fatto con il mio slave Luca e con un frutto della natura, vale a dire l'ortica. Dopo una sessione di caning punitivo, ho voluto terminare il gioco con le ortiche che il mio devotissimo slave mi aveva appositamente procurato.
Guanti alle mani per me e solo pelle nuda per lui e il piacere è assicurato, soprattutto quando il bruciore raggiunge parti molto delicate.
Molte leggende sono nate intorno a questa pianta che brucia chi la “provoca”. Si narra che chi portasse con sé questa pianta si sarebbe difeso da qualsiasi maleficio, mentre chi l'avesse tenuta in mano sarebbe stato caricato di grande coraggio. Le sue foglie gettate in mezzo al fuoco avevano il potere di allontanare i fulmini durante un temporale e, sembra che, ancora oggi, nel Tirolo, si utilizzi questa tradizione.
In Liguria viene chiamata: Urtiga, Urtia: in Piemonte: Erba ca foura; in Lombardia: Ortiga; in Veneto: Oltrighe; in Toscana: Urtica, Ortica maschia; in Abruzzo: Ardica, Rittica; in Puglia: Ardicura, Ardicela; in Calabria: Ludica, Ardica; in Sicilia: Arzca, Ardiceli; in Sardegna: Utiga, Spizzuafu, Ozziaiu.
La prima cosa da verificare, in anticipo, è se il sub possa avere
una reazione insolita alle ortiche e perciò pericolosa: perciò, se non si è mai sperimentato prima, occorre procedere gradualmente e con molta cautela nelle prima sessioni, per essere sicuri di stare ampiamente entro i limiti di tollerabilità del destinatario, pronti a fermarsi. I sintomi e le irritazioni da contatto con l'ortica possono durare da minuti a giorni, a seconda della sensibilità individuale alle sostanze irritanti.
Successivamente, e in assenza di reazioni insolite, si potrà
essere meno inibiti.
Le ortiche possono essere utilizzate come strumento punitivo e di tormento erotico, accarezzando o tamponando la pelle con i peli urticanti della pianta, che al contatto vengono danneggiati e poiché il numero di peli urticanti, naturalmente, è finito, un unico stelo perderà la sua efficacia con l'uso.
Foglie e fusti sono ricoperti da tricomi, i peli contenenti la sostanza urticante che la pianta adotta a scopo difensivo. L'apice dei peli possiede una piccola sfera che, quando toccata, lascia uscire un fluido irritante per la pelle di uomini e animali. Il veleno urticante che si trova nei peli dell’ortica viene rilasciato una volta che si verifica una loro pressione e viene iniettato nella pelle quando la punta si rompe.
Le ortiche per essere efficaci dovrebbero essere le più fresche possibili, raccolte al momento o, se raccolte in anticipo, conservate in un vaso ampio e di acqua fredda, perché le ortiche cominciano a perdere il loro effetto in un ambiente caldo o in contatto con un corpo caldo.
Gli steli più lunghi possono essere utilizzati anche come frusta. Gli steli sono duri e fibrosi e per un po' resistono con il vantaggio che essendo abbastanza leggeri possono essere usati (come frusta) senza troppi riguardi, anche se possono provocare lievi tagli superficiali e abrasioni.
Si dice spesso che gli steli di ortica possono essere usati anche a mano nuda, senza troppi rischi di essere punti se si stringe abbastanza fermamente: anche se ci sono pochi peli urticanti alla base del fusto, il soggetto dominante che le usa per frustare è bene che si protegga: si raccomandano guanti di gomma di pelle comunque pesanti, perché i peli dell’ortica sono abbastanza forte da penetrare il cotone o guanti in lattice sottili, il che significa che possono penetrare anche i preservativi e questo va sempre tenuto presente.
Foglie o pezzi di ortica possono essere inseriti anche sotto gli abiti, anche se gli effetti in questo modo tendono ad essere transitori, perché come detto i peli dell’ortica si rovinano in fretta e dunque perdono di efficacia.
Le ortiche possono essere usate per limitare il movimento del sub, ponendole in modo che il sub non possa muoversi senza pungersi. Per esempio gambi di ortiche potrebbero essere collocati in piedi tra le sue gambe socchiuse e proprio di fronte ai genitali e appena dietro le natiche. Si possono naturalmente ipotizzare molti scenari, anche crudeli, tenendo presente che i gambi duri di ortica possono essere uniti e messi insieme, quindi è possibile fare una gonna o ghirlanda per il sub che ne scoraggia i movimenti inutili.
Foglie o pezzi di ortica possono essere inseriti anche sotto gli abiti, anche se gli effetti in questo modo tendono ad essere transitori, perché come detto i peli dell’ortica si rovinano in fretta e dunque perdono di efficacia.
Le ortiche possono essere usate per limitare il movimento del sub, ponendole in modo che il sub non possa muoversi senza pungersi. Per esempio gambi di ortiche potrebbero essere collocati in piedi tra le sue gambe socchiuse e proprio di fronte ai genitali e appena dietro le natiche. Si possono naturalmente ipotizzare molti scenari, anche crudeli, tenendo presente che i gambi duri di ortica possono essere uniti e messi insieme, quindi è possibile fare una gonna o ghirlanda per il sub che ne scoraggia i movimenti inutili.
In linea di principio, quasi ovunque, ma dipende dalla sensibilità e tolleranza del destinatario. Tenere comunque sempre lontano dalla faccia, naturalmente. Le mucose (ad esempio la punta del pene, la zona della vagina e dell’ano) sono i punti i più sensibili, ma che proprio per questo motivo è meglio evitare fino a quando si conoscano bene gli effetti prodotti sul sub: quindi gradualità. Poiché l' irritante principale dell’ortica è acido, il modo migliore per alleviare il dolore è quello di contrastarlo con sostanze basiche, tipicamente bicarbonato di sodio e acqua. Ci sono comunque in commercio varie pomate e lozioni specifiche anti-infiammatorie che vanno naturalmente tenute a portata di mano quando si usano le ortiche.
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English version:
Hot, intense burn of a nettle can last for up to 24 hours. The sensation takes a long time to cool and you’re aware of it the entire time due to the almost electric tingle through the area affected. Reactions vary, but most spankees show an intense burning irritation, which is also visible as reddening, and a series of little lumps, like small mosquito bites, is common. The effect is very similar to the warm feeling that comes just after the sharp pain of a whip stroke fades. This is wonderful for longterm BDSM sessions or verbal and light play in public. However, there is an opinion that regular use of nettles for many spankees seems to lead to a partial immunity.
There are a variety of ways in which the nettle plant can be used. Stinging nettles are soft and lightweight, practically any body part can be punished this way, if desired, including the breasts, genitals and similar sensitive areas. Nettles are best used in a gentle stroking or dabbing action, which will cause those stinging hairs that come into contact with the recipient’s skin to work their effect, without damaging the remaining hairs. Some lie the stems down and press the hairs into the skin, others hold them in a cluster and tap it against the chosen area, or put them into a bottom’s underwear.
People administering diaper discipline may choose to line the bottom’s diaper with stinging nettles to enhance their discomfort and humiliation. Taller stems can be used as a gentle whip. The active ingredients in the stinging nettle do not spread to other areas but are restricted to the site at which the plant comes into contact. The skin becomes sensitized without the injury that certain types of flagellation can produce.
The stems are tough and fibrous and will last for a while in this mode. They are light enough to be used with little inhibition, though the rough stem surfaces can cause very minor surface cuts and abrasions. Floggings with nettles in this way has a history of use for ‘inflaming the passions’. The stings may be less effective when nettles are used in this mode, through the tips of the shoots may sting while “wrapping round” causing areas of greater inflammation along the sides of the body (an effect that may be either desired or avoided). Doubled up, the stems have enough weight to start being effective in sensitive areas such as the testicles.
The stems are tough and fibrous and will last for a while in this mode. They are light enough to be used with little inhibition, though the rough stem surfaces can cause very minor surface cuts and abrasions. Floggings with nettles in this way has a history of use for ‘inflaming the passions’. The stings may be less effective when nettles are used in this mode, through the tips of the shoots may sting while “wrapping round” causing areas of greater inflammation along the sides of the body (an effect that may be either desired or avoided). Doubled up, the stems have enough weight to start being effective in sensitive areas such as the testicles.
Other games might involve a blindfolded sub being required to carry out tasks, with vases of nettles forming part of an obstacle course. Nettles can be used to limit the sub’s movement. Pots or vases of nettles can be so placed that the sub cannot move without being stung. This could perhaps be used as part of a conventional whipping scene.
Nettles can be used for control, to create a form of “bondage” without restraints. Nettles can be placed between a standing sub’s parted legs. The nettle is placed just in front of the genitals and just behind the buttocks. This creates limited movement, a cage type situation. This is a refinement of bondage, where the nettles are placed so that they are difficult, but not impossible to avoid. This has something in common with scenes where the bottom is bound by tender parts like hair, balls, or piercings to punish excess motion.
Leaves or pieces of nettle may also be inserted into the recipient’s clothing. Nettles can be used under things. They can be put into bras, pants, tights, or other close-fitting gear, even into condoms. Men who wear condoms have found that briefly applying nettles to the penis before putting on the condom can compensate for the sensation lost by the latex barrier. They can be added to bodysuits or mummification wraps. The tough stems of nettles can be strung together, so it is also possible to make a skirt or garland for the sub, one that would discourage unnecessary movement.
A woodland walk with a naked, blindfolded sub could be very interesting.
Nettle, as well as the usage of any foreign object not specifically designed with BDSM in mind, should be used with caution. Keep away from the face of course, but apart from that, it depends on the sensitivity and tolerance of the recipient. The mucous membranes (e.g. tip of the penis, vaginal area, anus) are the most sensitive and are best avoided until it is known that the recipient will suffer no unwanted after effects.
The top should handle nettles with care. The stem ends can be wrapped with tape or cloth to make a handle. Leather or heavy rubber gloves are recommended, even though there are few hairs at the base of the stem where the top is likely to be holding the plant. The hairs are sharp enough to penetrate cotton or thin latex gloves.
A possible health risk that comes with nettle play is an allergic reaction. Some people are more sensitive to nettle stings than others and it would be foolish to continue any BDSM session if there are generalised swelling and unusual inflammation. This is a good reason, in BDSM practice, to establish the responses of the recipient before any extensive use of nettles. Both top and bottom should be ready to stop the scene if there is any evidence of an unusual response.
Hot, intense burn of a nettle can last for up to 24 hours. The sensation takes a long time to cool and you’re aware of it the entire time due to the almost electric tingle through the area affected. Reactions vary, but most spankees show an intense burning irritation, which is also visible as reddening, and a series of little lumps, like small mosquito bites, is common. The effect is very similar to the warm feeling that comes just after the sharp pain of a whip stroke fades. This is wonderful for longterm BDSM sessions or verbal and light play in public. However, there is an opinion that regular use of nettles for many spankees seems to lead to a partial immunity.
There are a variety of ways in which the nettle plant can be used. Stinging nettles are soft and lightweight, practically any body part can be punished this way, if desired, including the breasts, genitals and similar sensitive areas. Nettles are best used in a gentle stroking or dabbing action, which will cause those stinging hairs that come into contact with the recipient’s skin to work their effect, without damaging the remaining hairs. Some lie the stems down and press the hairs into the skin, others hold them in a cluster and tap it against the chosen area, or put them into a bottom’s underwear.
People administering diaper discipline may choose to line the bottom’s diaper with stinging nettles to enhance their discomfort and humiliation. Taller stems can be used as a gentle whip. The active ingredients in the stinging nettle do not spread to other areas but are restricted to the site at which the plant comes into contact. The skin becomes sensitized without the injury that certain types of flagellation can produce.
The stems are tough and fibrous and will last for a while in this mode. They are light enough to be used with little inhibition, though the rough stem surfaces can cause very minor surface cuts and abrasions. Floggings with nettles in this way has a history of use for ‘inflaming the passions’. The stings may be less effective when nettles are used in this mode, through the tips of the shoots may sting while “wrapping round” causing areas of greater inflammation along the sides of the body (an effect that may be either desired or avoided). Doubled up, the stems have enough weight to start being effective in sensitive areas such as the testicles.
The stems are tough and fibrous and will last for a while in this mode. They are light enough to be used with little inhibition, though the rough stem surfaces can cause very minor surface cuts and abrasions. Floggings with nettles in this way has a history of use for ‘inflaming the passions’. The stings may be less effective when nettles are used in this mode, through the tips of the shoots may sting while “wrapping round” causing areas of greater inflammation along the sides of the body (an effect that may be either desired or avoided). Doubled up, the stems have enough weight to start being effective in sensitive areas such as the testicles.
Other games might involve a blindfolded sub being required to carry out tasks, with vases of nettles forming part of an obstacle course. Nettles can be used to limit the sub’s movement. Pots or vases of nettles can be so placed that the sub cannot move without being stung. This could perhaps be used as part of a conventional whipping scene.
Nettles can be used for control, to create a form of “bondage” without restraints. Nettles can be placed between a standing sub’s parted legs. The nettle is placed just in front of the genitals and just behind the buttocks. This creates limited movement, a cage type situation. This is a refinement of bondage, where the nettles are placed so that they are difficult, but not impossible to avoid. This has something in common with scenes where the bottom is bound by tender parts like hair, balls, or piercings to punish excess motion.
Leaves or pieces of nettle may also be inserted into the recipient’s clothing. Nettles can be used under things. They can be put into bras, pants, tights, or other close-fitting gear, even into condoms. Men who wear condoms have found that briefly applying nettles to the penis before putting on the condom can compensate for the sensation lost by the latex barrier. They can be added to bodysuits or mummification wraps. The tough stems of nettles can be strung together, so it is also possible to make a skirt or garland for the sub, one that would discourage unnecessary movement.
A woodland walk with a naked, blindfolded sub could be very interesting.
Nettle, as well as the usage of any foreign object not specifically designed with BDSM in mind, should be used with caution. Keep away from the face of course, but apart from that, it depends on the sensitivity and tolerance of the recipient. The mucous membranes (e.g. tip of the penis, vaginal area, anus) are the most sensitive and are best avoided until it is known that the recipient will suffer no unwanted after effects.
The top should handle nettles with care. The stem ends can be wrapped with tape or cloth to make a handle. Leather or heavy rubber gloves are recommended, even though there are few hairs at the base of the stem where the top is likely to be holding the plant. The hairs are sharp enough to penetrate cotton or thin latex gloves.
A possible health risk that comes with nettle play is an allergic reaction. Some people are more sensitive to nettle stings than others and it would be foolish to continue any BDSM session if there are generalised swelling and unusual inflammation. This is a good reason, in BDSM practice, to establish the responses of the recipient before any extensive use of nettles. Both top and bottom should be ready to stop the scene if there is any evidence of an unusual response.
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